Web Control Panel’s 1 Click Framework Installer
Kick–start your web projects by using a PHP framework

When using the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer integrated in the Mad about Hosting Web Control Panel, it’s easy to install a brand new PHP framework for your brand–new project. No reason to search for the most up–to–date variant of a framework and furthermore waste your time installing it. All you have to do is pick the place of your PHP framework and afterwards click the Install button.
A range of frameworks on hand
Launch your web projects by using a framework
When using the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer built–into the Mad about Hosting Web Control Panel, you’ll be able to implement several PHP frameworks, each one featuring a distinct variety of characteristics and uses: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.
Each PHP framework is updated to the present stable edition and its installment requires no setup in any way.
1–click PHP framework set up
Your PHP framework is simply a click away
The PHP 1 Click Framework Installer is made to run on the exact same basic principle like our App Installer – through minimum effort on your end as well as Mad about Hosting’s system performing all the hard work instead of you. PHP frameworks are set up with simply a number of mouse clicks with no setup needed on your part. Everything you need to do is specify the place of your respective PHP framework. That’s it.
We have a log of the mounted PHP frameworks so you can un–install every single PHP framework that you don’t require with only a mouse click.
1–click backup
The best way for you to back up a framework
Every decent coder recognizes that it is vital to make a backup of one’s work to rely upon in case there is a problem. That’s why, we integrated a 1–click backup instrument in our PHP 1 Click Framework Installer. It may help you to back up your current framework including all of the improvements you’ve made, with merely a click of the mouse.
There’s no backup limitation. Provided you have available disk space in the account, you may create as many backups as you wish.