Since an Internet site is used to share information and facts with the online world or to get more clients in case you offer goods and/or services, it is essential to know how it is doing. What you will need for that is a comprehensive record of the visits to the site - how many new people have opened it, how many have made a comeback, what pages they've visited and many others. It shall be be very useful if you know how people discovered your website, specifically if you are running a marketing campaign, since you'll be able to see whether people have opened your site directly or if they were referred by an Internet search engine or a website where you advertise. This type of information will allow you to boost the overall performance of the website and, if required, modify your advertising tactics if various parts of the Internet site should be getting more traffic. Having in depth stats provides you with a better comprehension of how your site is doing and a better control over your online presence.
Web & FTP Statistics in Cloud Hosting
If you buy one of our Linux cloud packages, you shall be able to access 2 programs to monitor your site traffic. They are named Webalizer and AWStats, and the info that you will find in both of them shall be as comprehensive as possible. Hourly, day-to-day and month-to-month site visitor statistics will give you a perception of how the sites perform, but you shall also find much more data - the most visited landing and exit webpages, the top countries and IPs, the length of every visit, the user’s OS and world-wide web browser, and so forth. This information will help you significantly improve the Internet site and/or your advertising campaigns. The data shall be available in graphs and tables, which you may copy or download if you need any data for a report, for example. Furthermore, the Hepsia hosting Control Panel includes a real-time statistics tool that will permit you to see how many visitors are on your Internet site at any given moment in time and what nations they come from.
Web & FTP Statistics in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The Hepsia hosting CP, via which you will manage your semi-dedicated server account, will permit you to access 2 amazing tools for overseeing the traffic to all of your sites - Webalizer and AWStats. Along with the conventional info about the hourly, the everyday and the monthly visits, the IP addresses of the website visitors and the most well liked webpages, you'll find quite a lot of other useful info as well. As an illustration, you can see which is the most well-liked web page that users open initially when they go to your website and which is the most popular page they view before they leave, what keywords they’ve used to come across your Internet site in search engine results, what Operating Systems and web browsers they employ, and so forth. All of this data is provided in neat graphs and you may download and use them in advertising and marketing reports. The information may also tell you which components of the site you can enhance, in order to maximize the traffic to it.